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EZ FTP & More

Anarchie v1.6.0
Compact Pro v1.51
Disinfectant v3.6
DropStuff v4.0
Fetch v3.0.1
FTPd v3.0.0
Gatekeeper v1.3
NetPresenz v4.0.1
StuffIt Expander v4.0.1
StuffIt Lite 3.5 Install

Anarchie v1.6.0
Anarchie is an Internet application that will poll Archie servers and help you find and retrieve files available from anonymous ftp servers. Pull up the dialog box to find the filename, and then double-click on the desired found file to download it to your machine (or drag it to a folder if you have System 7.5). Simple and straight forward. Anarchie is also an excellent tool for accessing FTP sites, in addition to its original purpose of polling Archie servers for file searches. Downloads and uploads are easily performed, and scripting with AppleScript expands the possibilities. Anarchie supports the Internet Config, AppleGuide, Macintosh Drag and Drop, NetWare servers, and AppleScript/Frontier. A very powerful Internet ftp tool from Down Under. Author Peter Lewis was a winner of one of Apple's 1994 Cool Tool Internet Awards for his work with FTPd and Anarchie. Version 1.5.0 supports Internet Config, uploads properly (including MacBinary), includes rename file and make directories commands, adds title bar popup menu like the Finder, adds more complete URL support, saves window positions, and makes many bug fixes and interface tweaks. Version 1.6.0 supports SIVC, is compatible with Open Transport, fixes bugs and gives more progress information.

Requires System 7 or later, MacTCP 1.1 or higher, Internet connection

Compact Pro v1.51
Compact Pro is an award-winning file compression utility that lets you shrink files to take up less disk space (in effect, making your hard disk hold more files). In addition, compressed files take less time to transmit by modem and fit onto fewer floppies. You can also create auto-extracting archives (SEA files) that you can send to someone who does not have Compact Pro. For the security conscious, file encryption is available to registered users. Version 1.50 is a fat binary that runs in native mode on PowerPC-equipped Macintosh computers. This update also includes new features and interface tweaking. Version 1.51 adds support for Japanese, French and German, and fixes bugs. This is the English version.

Requires System 4.2 or later.

Disinfectant v3.6
Disinfectant is a FREE virus prevention, scanning, and repair program. Created by John Norstad of Northwestern University, Disinfectant is the simplest and easiest to use of all the anti-virus utilities. Simply run the application and Disinfectant will automatically install its protection extension for you. It does its work without constantly being in your face. It can even detect when Disinfectant is infected itself! In addition to its ease of use, Disinfectant comes with built-in online help. This very extensive documentation gives a very detailed description of viruses, which ones do what, and how to best eradicate them. No waiting for updates to come in the mail, Disinfectant is updated whenever necessary and is available immediately on all the major on-line services. Version 3.6 detects a new clone of the nVIR B virus, and allows modification of Disinfectant's memory partition and icon.

DropStuff v4.0
DropStuff is a small drag-and-drop application which allows you easily to create compressed SIT archives. (You should use StuffIt Expander to decompress archives). DropStuff's new Expander Enhancer extension is also native for Power Macs. DropStuff allows you to create self-extracting (with built-in decompressor) archives, BinHex convert files, and encrypt your archives with a password. Drag and drop operation is eased with hot keys that allow you to select compression options on-the-fly. When used with StuffIt Expander 3.5, Expander Enhancer adds the ability to decompress many more archive types. NOTE: Owners of StuffIt Deluxe, StuffIt SpaceSaver, and SITcomm are automatically registered for DropStuff and do not need to pay the shareware fee. Version 3.5.1 fixes the expiration bug, and registered users of StuffIt Deluxe, SpaceSaver and SITcomm should be automatically registered properly now. Version 3.5.2 fixes the Stuff command in the File menu; adds support for StuffIt SpaceSaver 3.5, ZIP self-extracting archives, QWK files, tgz files, joining StuffIt 2.0 segments; improves detection of ZIP, gzip and Unix Compress files; properly deletes all segments after a join; files with the ".tar.gz" suffix will no longer have problems; and improves System 6 compatibility. Version 4.0 includes numerous enhancements and bug fixes.

Requires System 7 or later

Fetch v3.0.1
Fetch is a Macintosh-based FTP client. It can be used to send and receive files from various network hosts which support the TCP/IP File Transfer Protocol. Version 2.1.2 is now a PowerPC/680x0 fat binary and adds support for URLs and AURLs, and fixes bugs. Version 3.0 supports multiple connections, bookmark lists, drag and drop, AppleScript, Internet Config, SOCKS, Open Transport and automatic reconnection, improves URL support and fixes lots of bugs.

Requires MacTCP, connection to TCP/IP network

FTPd v3.0.0
FTPd is an application that lets you set up your Mac as an Internet FTP server, and as a simple World Wide Web server. Using System 7's file sharing system, it lets you assign group, user and folder privileges just as you would for normal network file sharing. It can run as either a foreground or background application. Carefully read through the documentation, because there are important security issues around making your computer accessible by millions of possible users! Author Peter Lewis was a winner of one of Apple's 1994 Cool Tool Internet Awards for his work with FTPd and Anarchie. Version 2.4.0 adds support for Internet Config, summary window, Geneva 9 log window, warnings about ASCII/binary transfer problems, and other various bug fixes and tweaks. Version 3.0.0 is fat binary, functions as a simple Web server, no longer has a ten user limit with Personal File Sharing, has Open Transport compatibility, adds SIVC support, and makes other changes and tweaks.

Requires System 7 or later, MacTCP 1.1 or later, Internet connection

Gatekeeper v1.3
Gatekeeper is an anti-virus system for Macintosh computers which is designed to prevent the spread of both known and possible future viruses. It is different from the other freeware virus killer Disinfectant in its ability to recognize virus-like behavior, in addition to the work of known viruses, interactively. This allows Gatekeeper to stop new, unknown viruses. For someone who is working on a high-traffic Macintosh, this can make the difference between a happy day and a sad one. Gatekeeper is composed of two extensions (the active interceptors) and a control panel (for the interface). GateKeeper only recognizes and stops viruses. You will need a program like Disinfectant to be able to remove viruses from infected files and to scan your disks for currently infected files. Gatekeeper keeps a log of all startups, restarts, shutdowns, any modifications to Gatekeeper, and, of course, any virus-type behavior. Note that because Gatekeeper stops any unauthorized changes to files, it will need to be "taught" any applications that aren't already on its extensive privileges list. For example, you will need to add the eWorld application to the list of privileged applications, if you wish to use automatic decompression of downloaded files. (Or, alternatively, turn it off for the duration of the decompression process.) The necessary privilege to assign for eWorld is "File:Other". This latest version of Gatekeeper adds protection against CODE 1 and MBDF-B viruses, and makes some operational improvements.

NetPresenz v4.0.1
NetPresenz 4.0.1, formerly FTPd, allows your Mac to act as an FTP server. It honors the Users & Groups privileges and passwords, and supports multiple logins, anonymous FTP (user name "anonymous" or "ftp"), as well as MacBinary and BinHex transfers, and the "MACB" FTP command.

Requires System 7 or later, MacTCP 1.1 or later, Internet connection

StuffIt Expander v4.0.1
StuffIt Expander is a must-have free compression utility that decompresses all files in any of the StuffIt formats, as well as Compact Pro. It will also decode single and multi-part BinHex 4.0 files, commonly found on the Internet, with no need to strip headers. System 7 users can take advantage of Expander's drag and drop features. Simply drag a compressed file, or a folder containing compressed files, onto its icon, and it will automatically decompress that file, or the files found within the folder. Hold down the COMMAND key when you drag and drop, and you can temporarily reconfigure any of the translation options (destination, erasure of archive, etc.). It's probably the only decompression utility you'll ever need, and it's free thanks to the folks at Aladdin, makers of StuffIt Deluxe. A Watch Folder feature allows you to tell StuffIt Expander to automatically decompress any file newly added to that folder, and you can even specify where it should decompress them to. StuffIt Expander is 32-b it clean, '040 cache and virtual memory compatible, and is Apple event aware, so it can be controlled via scripting. With Expander Enhancer (aka the StuffIt Engine extension) from the DropStuff shareware package, StuffIt Expander can open many more Mac, PC and UNIX archive formats. In addition, Expander Enhancer also provides native PowerPC code for Power Macs, increasing compression and decompression speeds significantly on PowerPC-equipped computers. Version 4.0.1 is faster, detects file types without extensions, supports expansion of TapeARchive (.tar ) files, supports segmented BinHex files, and fixes bugs.

Requires System 6.0.4 or later

StuffIt Lite 3.5 Install
StuffIt Lite is the shareware version of StuffIt Deluxe, the industry standard for archiving on the Macintosh. It features extensive support for System 7.5's drag and drop, translation of many different compression formats (Compact Pro, BinHex, AppleLink, MacBinary and UnPack), and encryption of archives. If you never need to compress files, then opt for StuffIt Expander instead -- it's a much smaller download. Version 3.5 has PowerPC code for improved speed, provides "True Finder Integration" (advanced drag and drop features) under System 7.5, has better support for AppleScript, sports an improved comments window, can handle multiple part BinHex files, removes DDExpand and no longer creates AppleLink packages (although it can still expand them).

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